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The Big Move!!

It was on a warm Saturday evening. I, my sister and two of our friends were on a boat cruise celebrating my birthday. While having fun on the cruise, I mentioned that I was thinking about relocating to Boston for a Public Health position, a field that I am very passionate about. I listened as each of them told me what they thought about the idea. After weeks of deliberating with family and friends, I decided to give it a try. Prior to leaving, I told my mother that I would move back home, if I relocate and it doesn’t work out. Hmmm, who would have thought that I have ended up living here alone in the city of Boston for two years and never moved back home as I thought? Oops, I am really a major risk taker!!

However, this was how the actual journey started. Almost three weeks after my birthday, on a bright, cozy Thursday morning, at about 5:30 am, I had finished packing all of my items inside my car, ready for my journey. My parents were still asleep, although my mother came out few minutes before I took off to say goodbye. Afterward, I entered my vehicle and started driving to Boston. I wasn’t able to sleep the night before the trip. To remain fully awake on the road, I made about three rest stops. Without frequent stops, it would have only taken about seven to eight hours to get there, but it took ten hours due to the stops. Fast forward now, I can’t believe it is already two years since I took a major risk by leaving my comfort zone and moved out-of-State alone to a new city where I didn’t have familiar faces.

What a big move!!! Initially, it was a roller-coaster ride, but I must say; I have learned so much in these two years of my life. I have learned things that I didn’t quite learn in more than a decade that I lived in my comfort zone. As a person, this experience has made me much stronger, and I now believe that there is no challenge that comes my way that I can’t overcome. Also, I am now a firm believer that sometimes in life, you must leave your comfort zone to become successful. I am saying this because I have been succeeding in one way or the other since making this big move, especially financial-wise. I look forward to experiencing more progress and sharing all that I have learned with hopes of inspiring other young adults to be fearless and take risks.

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  • Nixon
    July 31, 2021

    This post really resonated with me. It reminded me of a big move I made to Texas. I’m glad you learned a lot during that time. You’re absolutely right about leaving your comfort zone; you tend to find out what you’re really capable of that way!

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