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Health Is Wealth

It is truly good health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver. We live in a world where most people are interested in accumulating wealth by any means possible. However, this global pandemic that all of us are currently facing has thought lawmakers that there must be substantial focus on …

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Every young girl dreams of her wedding day; the day she gets married to her prince charming and begins to raise a family. This desire was fervent and familiar to me. It finally happened on August 10th, 2019. On that day, I walked down the aisle and declared my vows in a church full of …

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Life Happened!

Hello guys, I am finally ready to kick-start my writing career. As some of you may know, I love to write. The purpose of my blog is to inspire people, especially women to live out their full potential. As you will notice from my post titled “The Big Move,” I made that post here in …

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The Big Move!!

It was on a warm Saturday evening. I, my sister and two of our friends were on a boat cruise celebrating my birthday. While having fun on the cruise, I mentioned that I was thinking about relocating to Boston for a Public Health position, a field that I am very passionate about. I listened as …

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The Big Move!!

It was on a warm Saturday ...

Life Happened!

Hello guys, I am finally ready ...

Health Is Wealth

It is truly good health that ...